Technical Specifications for IWA Digital Measurement, Reporting and Verification (dMRV) Framework, Version 2.5 (DRAFT)

Living Document,

This version:
Issue Tracking:
Inline In Spec
Marley Gray (Microsoft)
Jackson Ross (GBBC)


The first version of the Digital Measurement, Reporting & Verification (dMRV) Framework was published in late 2021. Since that time, the membership of the InterWork Alliance (IWA) and Global Blockchain Business Council (GBBC) have shared the framework broadly throughout the sustainability ecosystem and put it through its paces to find missing elements, refine definitions, and strive to establish common ground to help unify the way ecological and environmental products like voluntary carbon credits are manufactured or originated. This specification will replace its predecessor in its entirety due to the hard work and collaboration of its contributors. But we are not done. There are still improvements to be made and refinements to be discovered as we all set forth to implement these specifications and commit to returning the lessons learned back for the next version of this specification in the future.

1. Introduction

The Digital MRV (dMRV) Framework defines the terminology, roles, process workflows, generic evidence packaging, and attestations that digital MRV solutions should follow to originate these next generation digital assets. The framework defines a generic roles-based process along with an extensible data model to facilitate a consistent taxonomy across infrastructure and asset classes and allow for customization of the diverse array of activities that can produce these new assets. The framework describes an asset origination supply chain (dMRV network), where different roles are responsible for different parts of the process.

For example, a project developer, i.e., the party that is performing the work that generates the environmental benefits, provides the raw measurement data and evidence into the supply chain. The verifier, then takes this evidence and validates it against a quality standard, i.e., methodology, to ensure that the evidence is accurate and reliable. The verifier then generates a report that is used to issue the digital asset, i.e., carbon credit, to the issuing registry.

The framework can better enable investments in, and generation of, high-quality, well-documented ecological assets at scale. This framework defines the variables that enable the application of a wide variety of standards, protocols, and technologies that can be used in combination to create high-quality projects and claims, ready for validation and verification.

This is the technical specification for the dMRV Framework. It is intended to be used by software developers, business analysts, data scientists and others who want to understand the data model and its entities, e.g., tokens, agreements, data extensions, etc., defined by this specification.

1.1. Status of this Document

Although this is the released Version 2.0 of the framework, comments regarding the document are welcome, for IWA members, please file issues directly on GitHub, using the dMRV label. Branching feedback can be made via pull request by branching and editing the GitHub Spec Bikeshed source directly.

Feedback from non-members is welcome via email to iwa

The technical specifications within this document are the result of consent processses by GBBC/IWA members and other external sources.

1.2. Scope

The scope of this document is to reach consensus on a tokenized orgination process that describes the behaviors, common data model, schema or data dictionary and encoding standard of the process for the IWA Voluntary Ecological Markets taskforce to represent the data entities involved in the origination process for the resulting digital assets.

1.3. Regarding the Token Taxonomy Framework

The Token Taxonomy Framework (TTF) is the IWA’s primary tool to define an open specification for a token. While it does a good job of defining a single token, it does not provide a good environment for defining a set of tokens that are related to each other and are involved in a larger process. This artifact will not replace the tokens defined in the TTF, but the tokens and their data models defined in this artifact will be used to define the tokens in the TTF.

Token definitions will be titled as Token & Data Type to make it clear that the token is defined in the context of the data model. All other data types are considered Property Sets in the TTF.

Placing all of the token definitions and especially the data model in a single artifact makes it easier to understand the relationships and dependencies between the tokens.

Additionally, a single agreement that governs the process of origination, the Verification Process Agreement, see § 3.24 Agreement & Data Type: VerificationProcessAgreement, is defined in this artifact. This agreement is used to establish the parties and their roles in the origination process.

1.4. Intended Audience

This technical specification is for

1.5. About the Voluntary Ecological Markets Taskforce

The IWA Voluntary Ecological Markets Taskforce is a working group of the InterWork Alliance (IWA) that is focused on the develoment of standards for the creation of digital assets that represent the environmental benefits of voluntary ecological markets.

The lifecycle of these assets has two main phases: origination and distribution. The origination phase is the process of creating the digital asset and the distribution phase is the process of distributing the digital asset to the market, e.g., marketplaces, exchanges, DeFi, etc.

This document and the specifications are aimed at the origination phase of the lifecycle.

1.6. Disclaimer

While IWA encourages the implementation of the technical specifications by all entities for interoperability, those organiazations and individuals who contributed to the development of this document do not assume responsibility for any consequences or damages resulting directly or indirectly from the use of this document.

1.7. License

The license can be found in Appendix A: License.

2. Terminology


Digital Measurement, Reporting and Verification

Accountable Impact Organization

An Accountable Impact Organization represents an individual or organization that will undertake a set of activities to achieve a set of outcomes. The outcomes of the project are typically environmental benefits that are measured by one or more of the project’s Activity Impact Module (AIMs).

An Accountable Impact Organization can have multiple Activity Impact Modules (AIMs) that are intended to achieve set of outcomes following a specific Quality Standard, i.e., methodology.

For example, an agricultural project may have a AIM for activities intended to remove carbon and another AIM for conserving biodiversity. This allows for an Accountable Impact Organization to have a single identity capable of having multiple types of credits issued to it.

The encoding of an Accountable Impact Organization in the data model is specified in § 3.3 Token & Data Type: AccountableImpactOrganization

Activity Impact Module (AIM)

An Activity Impact Module, AIM, can represent a single project with all § 3.48 Data Type QualityStandard modules represented in a single AIM, or span multiple AIMs where each AIM represents a different module within a project and be correlated using a correlation identifier. Each AIM has a defined scope and a defined set of activities that are intended to achieve a defined set of outcomes. The outcomes of the project are typically environmental benefits and follow a spcific Quality Standard, i.e. methodology.

A AIM is scoped or bound to a quality standard/methodology that it follows along with a physical location or boundary that defines where the project activities occur. For example, a land based project would be scoped to an area/polygon on a map and an engineered sequestion based project would be scoped to a power plant/GPS/INSS.

An Accountable Impact Organization can have multiple AIMs, but there cannot be another AIM using the same benefit type/quality standard/methodology and location.

The encoding of a Activity Impact Module in the data model is specified in § 3.5 Data Type: ActivityImpactModule

Quality Standard

A quality standard is a generic term for the methodology or protocol(s) that are used to validate a project and measure, report and verify the environmental benefits of an Accountable Impact Organization. The quality standard may include additional project validation requirements and be composed of different combinations of tools to calculate things like Additionally, etc.

The encoding of a Quality Standard in the data model is specified in § 3.48 Data Type QualityStandard

Verification Automation

Solutions, platforms, services, etc., designed to accelerate the verification of claims. Depending on the Quality Standard, it may be able, with appropriate audit requirements, to perform full verification of claims issuance of impact credits. For other Quality Standards, these platforms or services may automate and prepare findings data that are evaluated by a VVB in order to speed up and support a continuous verification process.

Impact Claim

An impact claim is a collection of the evidence data submitted according to the quality standard being followed by the AIM. An impact claim is composed of one or more checkpoints.

The encoding of an Impact Claim in the data model is specified in § 3.9 Token & Data Type: ImpactClaim

Impact Claim Checkpoint

A impact claim checkpoint is a collection of the evidence data submitted periodically to an impact claim. The checkpoint is a cryptographic fingerprint of the evidence data to establish the provanance and integity of the evidence being submitted.

The encoding of an Impact Claim Checkpoint in the data model is specified in § 3.10 Data Type: ImpactClaimCheckpoint

Data Package

A data package, is the data package file, i.e. .zip file, that contains the raw evidence data being submitted with a checkpoint.

The encoding of a Data Package in the data model is specified in § 3.11 Data Type: DataPackage

Data Package Manifest

A data package has a manifest.json file in the root of the .zip file that contains the metadata about the contents of the file as well as extensible metadata that is specific for the quality standard being followed.

The encoding of a Manifest in the data model is specified in § 3.12 Data Type: Manifest

Processed Claim

A processed claim is a corresponding collection of checkpoint results that are generated by the validator.

The encoding of a Processed Claim in the data model is specified in § 3.22 Token & Data Type: ProcessedClaim

Checkpoint Result

A checkpoint result is paired with a corresponding checkpoint for the claim being processed and contains the results of the verification of the checkpoint.

The encoding of a Checkpoint Result in the data model is specified in § 3.23 Data Type: CheckpointResult

MRV Extension

A MRV Extension can be an Entity or Message extension to the data model that is specific to the quality standard being followed. These extension are used to extend the data model and process to support the specific requirements of the quality standard and can be contextually applied to the appropriate data types. For example, a MRV Entity Extension can be applied to a Activity Impact Module to support the data requirements of a specific quality standard. A MRV Extension Message Pair can be defined to add a process step to a claim verification for one party to request something from another and be recorded as a request/response message pair in the proper context of the business process.

Verification Process Agreement

A multiparty agreement between the parties involved in the origination and digital MRV process. It defines the quality standard and MRVExtensionSet being followed, any monitoring/audit reports, etc.

The encoding of a Verification Process Agreement in the data model is specified in § 3.24 Agreement & Data Type: VerificationProcessAgreement

Carbon Removal or Reduction Credit - CRU

A CRU can represent either a carbon removal or reduction credit. The difference is that a carbon removal credit is a credit that is issued for the removal of carbon from the atmosphere, while a carbon reduction credit is a credit that is issued for the reduction of carbon emissions.

The encoding of a CRU in the data model is specified in § 3.25 Token & Data Type: CRU

3. Tokens and their Data Model

This section specifies the tokens and their data model for the entities involved in the origination process to conform with this specification.

The data model consists of the following major data types:

  1. AccountableImpactOrganization: contains information identifying an individual or organization that will host one or more Activity Impact Module(s).

  2. ActivityImpactModule: is parented by an Accountable Impact Organization that can have multiple AIMs and contains information identifying a project, or optionally a module for a project, that will host one or more Impact Claim(s).

  3. ImpactClaim: contains information identifying a claim that will host one or more Checkpoint(s).

  4. DataPackage: contains information identifying a data package that will contain evidence or processed results of verification.

  5. ProcessedClaim: contains information identifying a processed claim that will host one or more Checkpoint Result(s).

  6. VerificationProcessAgreement: contains information identifying a verification agreement that will host one or more Checkpoint Result(s).

  7. CRU: contains information identifying a carbon removal or reduction credit. This is the cononical example of an ecological asset and can be replaced by a different asset type, e.g., biodiversity, water, etc.

  8. REC: contains information identifying a renewable energy credit. This is the cononical example of an ecological asset and can be replaced by a different asset type, e.g., biodiversity, water, etc.

Of these data types, the CRU and REC are the only tokens that are traded and retired or redeemed in the system. The other data types are used to support the origination process and provide the system of record for the data that backs the asset types.

Some data types, like the DataPackage, support extensible metadata. This means that the data type can be extended to support additional data types that are specific to the quality standard being followed. For example, the DataPackage data type can be extended to support the data types required by specific methodologies or quality standards.

Not all data types defined in this artifact are tokens, but are a Property-Set which are a collection of properties grouped together that can be used or composed into other property-sets or be present in many token definitions.

3.1. Highlevel Data Model

The following diagram shows the highlevel data model for the tokens defined in this specification, including the relationships between the them. This model only includes the highlights of properties within the data types and does not include the full list of properties for each data type.


3.2. Data Model

The following diagram shows the detailed data model for this specification, including the relationships between the them. This model is quite large can be downloaded from here.


3.3. Token & Data Type: AccountableImpactOrganization

AccountableImpactOrganization is a data type which represents the individual or organization that will host one or more ActivityImpactModule(s).

This data type is used to represent a one to many relationship that can occur when an Accountable Impact Organization wishes to create multiple types of ecological assets and not have to establish an organiazational identity for each type of asset.

3.3.1. Base Token and Behaviors

The AccountableImpactOrganization has a Non-Fungilble base that has the following behaviors:

  1. Transferable (t): The AccountableImpactOrganization can be transferred from one party to another.

  2. Divisible (d): The AccountableImpactOrganization can be divided into multiple AccountableImpactOrganization tokens, up to 2 decimal places.

  3. Burnable (b): The AccountableImpactOrganization can be burned, retired or permanently deactivated.

TTF base formula with behaviors is: [τN{d,t,b}]

3.3.2. Properties

An Accountable Impact Organization has the following properties:

Property Type Req Specification
id : Id String M The impact product identifier, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
name String M The name of the Accountable Impact Organization.
description : String M A brief description of the Accountable Impact Organization.
addresses : Address Array M The non-empty set of addresses. Each value can represent physical, mailing and or legal addresses. See § 3.4 Data Type Address for details.
owners : Id Array M The non-empty set of Id. Each of the values in the set is supposed to uniquely identify each owner of the project.
country : ISO3166CC String M The country where the project is located. The value MUST be a valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. See § 3.97 Data Type: ISO3166CC for details.
region : Region String M The region the project is located in.
informationLink : VerifiedLink String M A URI for information, i.e., webpage. See§ 3.35 Data Type: VerifiedLink
mediaLinks : VerifiedLink Array O An array of optional media links. See§ 3.35 Data Type: VerifiedLink
attestations : Attestation Array O An array of optional attestations including tags. See§ 3.44 Data Type: Attestation
activityImpactModules : ActivityImpactModule Array M A collection of ActivityImpactModules that belong to this Accountable Impact Organization.
mrvEntityExtensions : MrvEntityExtension Array O A collection of optional MrvExtensions, see § 3.18 Data Type: MrvEntityExtension for details.
Properties of data type AccountableImpactOrganization

3.4. Data Type Address

An address is a collection of address lines, city, state, postal code and country that can represent physical, legal or mailing addresses.

3.4.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
addressType : AddressType AddressType M The type of the address. See § 3.82 Data Type: AddressType for details.
addressLines : String Array M A collection of address lines.
city : String M The city of the address.
state : String M The state of the address.
postalCode : String M The postal code of the address.
country : String M The country of the address.
Properties of data type Address

3.5. Data Type: ActivityImpactModule

A ActivityImpactModule represents the actual project work that will generate benefits. It is bound to to Quality Standard and is where claims are issued from. An AIM can represent a project as a whole, or be modularized to represent a specific part of a project and be correlated using a correlation identifier.

3.5.1. Scope of a ActivityImpactModule

Each ActivityImpactModule is scoped:

  1. To a parent Accountable Impact Organization, which can host multiple Activity Impact Modules

  2. Is bound or mapped to a QualityStandard that matches the AIM activities

  3. Must be unique for its geographic footprint and Quality Standard

3.5.2. Properties

A ActivityImpactModule has the following properties:

Property Type Req Specification
id : Id String M Unique identifier for the AIM, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
aioId : Id String M The unique identifier for the parent Accountable Impact Organization, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
correlatingProjectId : Id String O OPTIONAL - The unique identifier for logical grouping of AIMs to a single project used when a project is broken out into separate AIMs, see § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
name : String M The name of the ActivityImpactModule
classificationCategory : ClassificationCategory String M The string representaion classification category of the ActivityImpactModule, see § 3.71 Data Type: ClassificationCategory for details.
classificationMethod : Method String M The string representation of the classification method used to generate the benefit, see § 3.76 Data Type: Method for details.
  • Natural, where the benefit is generated by natural processes

  • Technical, where the benefit is generated by technical processes, i.e. engineered.

  • Natural and Technical, where the benefit is generated by both natural and technical processes

benefitCategory : UN-SDGs String M The string representation of the benefit category of the ActivityImpactModule. The value MUST be a valid UN Sustainable Development Goal (UN SDG) code. See § 3.84 Data Type: UN-SDGs for details.
projectScope : ProjectScope String M The string representation scope of the AIM, maps to the scope of the Quality Standard. See § 3.85 Data Type: ProjectScope for details.
projectType : ProjectType String M The type of the AIM, maps to the scope of the Quality Standard. See § 3.86 Data Type: ProjectType for details.
projectScale : ProjectScale String M String representation of scale, see § 3.80 Data Type: ProjectScale for details. MICRO = less than 1000 tCO2e SMALL = 1000 - 10000 tCO2e MEDIUM = 10000 - 100000 tCO2e LARGE = 100000 - 1000000 tCO2e Micro, Small, Medium or Large
arbId : String O If present, this is the California Air Resources Board (ARB) project identifier.
geographicLocation : GeographicLocation Object M This is the geographic location of the project. See § 3.47 Data Type: GeographicLocation for details.
firstYearIssuance : String O If present, this is the year credits were first issued for the project.
registryProjectId : String O If present, this is the Id assigned by the issuing registry for the project on their system.
developers : Id Array M List of developers for the project. See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
sponsors : Id Array M List of sponsors, i.e., financiers, etc. for the project. See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
claimSources : ClaimSource Object M A collection of claim evidence sources for the project, i.e., sensors, meters, applications, etc. See § 3.8 Data Type: ClaimSource for details.
impactClaims : ImpactClaim Object M A collection of impact claims for the project. See § 3.9 Token & Data Type: ImpactClaim for details.
validations : Validation Object M A collection of validations for the project. See § 3.6 Data Type: Validation for details.
attestations : Attestation Array O An array of optional attestations including tags. See§ 3.44 Data Type: Attestation
mrvEntityExtensions : MrvEntityExtension Array O A collection of MRV extensions for the project. See § 3.18 Data Type: MrvEntityExtension for details.
Properties of data type ActivityImpactModule

3.6. Data Type: Validation

Represents the validation steps and artifacts created in the validation phase of a project. These would include Project Design Documents (PDD), etc.

3.6.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
requestDate : DateString String M The request date for validation. See § 3.53 Data Type: DateString for details.
validationDate : DateString Date M The date of the validation. See § 3.53 Data Type: DateString for details.
validatingPartyId : String M The Id of the validating party, see § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
validationMethod : String M The validation method used for the project, can include a version identifier.
validationExpirationDate : DateString String M The date of the validation expires. See § 3.53 Data Type: DateString for details.
validationSteps : ValidationStep Array M A collection of Validation Steps. See § 3.7 Data Type: ValidationStep for details.
Properties of data type Validation

3.7. Data Type: ValidationStep

A validation step is a single step in the validation process, a validation process can be composed of multiple steps each step can generate its own artifact like a Project Design Document.

3.7.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
validationStepName : String M The name of the validation step.
validationStepDescription : String M The description of the validation step.
validationStepStatus : ValidationStepStatus ValidationStepStatus M The ValidationStepStatus of the validation step. See § 3.81 Data Type: ValidationStepStatus for details.
stepDocumentLink : VerifiedLink VerifiedLink M The artifact generated by the validation step. See § 3.35 Data Type: VerifiedLink for details.
Properties of data type ValidationStep

3.8. Data Type: ClaimSource

A ClaimSource is a registered source of evidence data to support a claim. A claim source can be a device like a sensor or meter, an application that collects user data or reference data like satellite imagery.

3.8.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
id : Id String M Unique identifier for the ClaimSource, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
aimId : Id String M The unique identifier for the parent ActivityImpactModule, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
name : String M A name for the source.
description : String M Description of the source and other details like the type of data collected, the frequency of collection, GPS/Location, etc.
location : GeographicLocation Object M GNSS, i.e., GPS coordinates, for the source. See § 3.47 Data Type: GeographicLocation for details.
sourceType : ClaimSourceType String M String representing the source type can include sensor, meter, application, reference, etc. See § 3.75 Data Type: ClaimSourceType for details.
unitOfMeasure : Unit String M The string representation for unit of measure, see § 3.92 Data Type: Unit for details.
sourceIdentifier : string M this can be the unique identifier for the device, like a serial number, public key, etc.
mrvEntityExtensions : MrvEntityExtension Array O A collection of optional MrvExtensions, see § 3.18 Data Type: MrvEntityExtension for details.
Properties of data type ImpactClaim

3.9. Token & Data Type: ImpactClaim

An ImpactClaim represents the actual project work that will generate benefits through out the claim period that is agreed to by the developer, VVB and Registry. ImpactClaims are created by a ActivityImpactModule and contains metadata about the claim period as well as a collection of checkpoints that are used to submitted project evidence that is verified by the VVB or Verification Automation.

3.9.1. Base Token and Behaviors

The ImpactClaim has a Non-Fungilble base that has the following behaviors:

  1. Indivisible (~d): The ImpactClaim is indivisible, meaning it cannot be divided into multiple ImpactClaim tokens.

  2. Non-transferable (~t): The ImpactClaim is non-transferable, meaning it cannot be transferred to another parent Accountable Impact Organization/AIM.

  3. Delegable (g): The ImpactClaim can have certain behaviors delegated to another party.

  4. encumberable (e): The ImpactClaim can be encumbered by a third party, typically the verification automation or VVB.

  5. ProcessedClaimControl (PCC): The ImpactClaim also has this Behavior-Group with a set of behaviors a bundled and configured to control the processing of the ImpactClaim.

    • Mintable (m): The ImpactClaim can be minted, i.e., created, by the parent ActivityImpactModule.

    • Roles (r): The ImpactClaim can have roles assigned to it, i.e., the VVB, Verifier, etc. that has the ability to burn or retire the claim after processing has completed.

    • Burnable (b): The ImpactClaim can be burned, i.e., retired, by the VVB or Verifier.

TTF base formula with behaviors is: [τN{~d,~t,g,e,PCC}]

3.9.2. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
id : Id String M Unique identifier for the ImpactClaim, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
aimId : Id String M The unique identifier for the parent ActivityImpactModule, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
processedClaimId : Id String M The unique identifier for the corrisponding processed claim that the verification automation uses to track the verification process and results of a claim. See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details. The value can be null until a processed claim is created.
startDate: DateString String M The start date of the claim period. See § 3.53 Data Type: DateString for details.
endDate: DateString String M The end date of the claim period. See § 3.53 Data Type: DateString for details.
unit : Unit String M The unit of measurement/analysis of the project. See Data Type § 3.92 Data Type: Unit for further information.
quantity : Decimal Decimal O Optional, the estimated benefit quantity.
co-benefits : Co-benefit Object O Optional list of co-benefits associated with the ImpactClaim. See § 3.30 Data Type: Co-Benefit for details.
checkpoints : ImpactClaimCheckpoint Object M A collection of checkpoints for the ImpactClaim. See § 3.10 Data Type: ImpactClaimCheckpoint for details.
mrvEntityExtensions : MrvEntityExtension Array O A collection of MRV extensions for the claim. See § 3.18 Data Type: MrvEntityExtension for details.
Properties of data type ImpactClaim

3.10. Data Type: ImpactClaimCheckpoint

The impact claim checkpoint is a collection of evidence that is submitted by the developer to support the claim. The VVB or verification automation will review the evidence and provide a status of the evidence in a corresponding CheckpointResult in the processed claim.

Checkpoints are used to periodically submit evidence on an agreed upon basis from the ActivityImpactModule to the VVB or verification automation. This enables the development of continous verification of the project and the ability to provide feedback to the developer on the status of the project and the evidence submitted before the end of the claim period.

3.10.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
id : String M Unique identifier for the ImpactClaimCheckpoint, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
claimId : String M The unique identifier for the parent ImpactClaim, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
claimSourceIds : Id Array M A list of registered claim sources submitting evidence in this checkpoint. See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
projectDeveloperId : String M The Id of the project developer that is submitting the checkpoint, must be a developer registered in the ActivityImpactModule. This is used when multiple identities may submit a checkpoint for a claim, for example one party may submit evidence of carbon capture and another may submit evidence of sequestration to support a carbon removal claim. See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
efBefore : String O Environmental factor before activity - i.e., total emissions = 3 tCO2e
efAfter : String O Environmental factor after activity - i.e., total emissions = 2 tCO2e.
checkpointDateRange : DateRange DateRange M The date range for the checkpoint. See § 3.51 Data Type: DateRange for details.
mrvEntityExtensions : MrvEntityExtension Array O A collection of MRV extensions for the checkpoint. See § 3.18 Data Type: MrvEntityExtension for details.
dataPackages : DataPackage Array O Optional, collect and store the data packages for the checkpoint, this contains be the Json string contents of the manifest.json in the Data Package root and the § 3.35 Data Type: VerifiedLink to the data file. See § 3.11 Data Type: DataPackage for details.
Properties of data type ImpactClaimCheckpoint

3.11. Data Type: DataPackage

A data package is an index and metadata file that is stored in the root of the DataPackage file that is submitted with a checkpoint. It contains meta data about the evidence files contained in the package as well as extensible MRV data that is specific to the Quality Standard/Methodology the AIM is bound to.

3.11.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
manifest : Manifest Object M The manifest object, a serialized JSON object that contains the metadata for the DataPackage. See § 3.12 Data Type: Manifest for details.
verifiedLinkToCheckpointData : VerifiedLink Object M A VerifiedLink that contain the evidence, in a data package submitted by the AIM. See § 3.35 Data Type: VerifiedLink for details.
Properties of data type DataPackage

3.12. Data Type: Manifest

The Data Package has a manifest.json file that is an extensible JSON object that contains the metadata about the contents in the Data Package. The manifest contains a list of files that are contained in the Data Package and the metadata about the files. The manifest also contains extensible MRV data that is specific to the Quality Standard/Methodology the AIM is bound to.

3.12.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
id : Id String M The unique identifier for the Data Package, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
version: String String M The versions of the Data Package specification, default is 1.0.0.
aioId : Id String M The unique identifier for the Accountable Impact Organization, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
aimId : Id String M The Activity Impact Module that the Data Package is sourced from.
claimId : Id String M The Impact Claim that the Data Package is sourced from. See, § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
projectDeveloperId : Id String M The Project Developer that submitted the Data Package, See, § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
created : DatePoint DatePoint M The DatePoint that the Data Package was created. See § 3.52 Data Type: DatePoint for details.
mrvEntityExtensions : MrvEntityExtension Array O A collection of one or more MRV Entity Extensions that are specific to the Quality Standard/Methodology the AIM is bound to. See § 3.18 Data Type: MrvEntityExtension for details.
files : DataFile Array M The files that are in the Data Package, see § 3.13 Data Type: DataFile for details.
Properties of data type Manifest

3.13. Data Type: DataFile

A DataFile is a set of metadata about an evidence file contained within the Data Package.

3.13.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
name : String String M The name of the file.
type : String String M The string representation of the file type, see § 3.64 Data Type: FileType for details.
description : String String M A description of the contents of the file.
claimSourceId : Id String M The id for the claim source registered with the ActivityImpactModule that the file is sourced from.
claimSourceAttestation : DigitalSignature Object O The source attestation or signature for the file. See § 3.39 Data Type: DigitalSignature for details.
mrvEntityExtensions : MrvEntityExtension Array O A collection of optional MrvExtensions. See § 3.18 Data Type: MrvEntityExtension for details.
Properties of data type File

3.14. Data Type: MrvExtensionSet

A collection of MRV Extensions (Entity or Message) and Modules that are specific to the Quality Standard/Methodology the AIM is bound to, typically comprosised of multiple MRV Extensions for modules or activities. A MrvExtensionSet can be defined by the supplier, verifier and issuer based on a set of methodology modules to form reusable libraries for the MRV process for all parties.

3.14.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
id : Id String M A unique identifier for the MRV Extension Set, this is a string that is defined by the verifier or verification automation.
name : String String M The name of the MRV Extension Set, this is a string that is defined by the verifier or verification automation.
version: String String M The versions of the MRV Extension Set specification, default is 1.0.0.
description : String String M A description of the MRV Extension Set, this is a string that is defined by the verifier or verification automation describing the purpose of the extension.
documentation :String String O A link to the documentation for the MRV Extension Set, see § 3.21 Extension Documentation: ExtensionDocumentation for details.
modules : MrvExtensionSetModule Array M A collection of MRV Extension Modules for the Quality Standard. See § 3.15 Data Type: MrvExtensionSetModule for details.
mrvEntityExtensions : MrvEntityExtension Array O A collection of MRV Entity Extensions for the whole Quality Standard, meaning these can apply to all child modules as well. See § 3.18 Data Type: MrvEntityExtension for details.
mrvExtensionMessages : MrvExtensionMessagePair Array O A collection of MRV Extension Message Pairs for the whole Quality Standard, meaning these can apply to all child modules as well. See § 3.16 Data Type: MrvExtensionMessagePair for details.
Properties of data type MrvExtensionSet

3.15. Data Type: MrvExtensionSetModule

A MRV Extension St Module is a collection of MRV Extensions that are specific to the Quality Standard/Methodology the AIM is bound to, typically comprosised of multiple MRV Extensions for modules or activities. A MrvExtensionSetModule, categorizes MrvExtensions into modules like, "Carbon Capture", "Carbon Sequestration", "Carbon Removal", etc.

3.15.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
id : Id String M A unique identifier for the MRV Extension, this is a string that is defined by the verifier or verification automation.
name : String String M The name of the MRV Extension, this is a string that is defined by the verifier or verification automation.
version: String String M The versions of the MRV Extension specification, default is 1.0.0.
description : String String M A description of the MRV Extension, this is a string that is defined by the verifier or verification automation describing the purpose of the extension.
documentation :String String O A link to the documentation for the MRV Extension, see § 3.21 Extension Documentation: ExtensionDocumentation for details.
extensions : MrvEntityExtension Array M A collection of MRV Entity Extensions for the Module. See § 3.18 Data Type: MrvEntityExtension for details.
mrvExtensionMessages : MrvExtensionMessagePair Array O A collection of MRV Extension Message Pairs for the Module. See § 3.16 Data Type: MrvExtensionMessagePair for details.
Properties of data type MrvExtensionSetModule

3.16. Data Type: MrvExtensionMessagePair

A MRV Extension Message Pair is a defined set of Request and Response messages that used to communicate and drive MRV Process between the parties involved in the MRV process, i.e., the supplier, verifier, issuer.

3.16.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
id : Id String M A unique identifier for the MRV Extension Message Pair, this is a string that is defined by the verifier or verification automation.
name : String String M The name of the MRV Extension Message Pair, this is a string that is defined by the verifier or verification automation.
version: String String M The versions of the MRV Extension Message Pair specification, default is 1.0.0.
description : String String M A description of the MRV Extension Message Pair, this is a string that is defined by the verifier or verification automation describing the purpose of the extension.
documentation :String String O A link to the documentation for the MRV Extension Message Pair, see § 3.21 Extension Documentation: ExtensionDocumentation for details.
requestMessage : MrvExtensionMessage Object M The request message for the MRV Extension Message Pair. See § 3.17 Data Type: MrvExtensionMessage for details.
responseMessage : MrvExtensionMessage Object M The response message for the MRV Extension Message Pair. See § 3.17 Data Type: MrvExtensionMessage for details.
Properties of data type MrvExtensionMessagePair

3.17. Data Type: MrvExtensionMessage

A MRV Extension Message is a defined message that is used to communicate and drive MRV Process between the parties involved in the MRV process, i.e., the supplier, verifier, issuer. It is recommended that these messages use Apache Avro and Json Schema to define the message structure, content and serialization.

3.17.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
id : Id String M A unique identifier for the MRV Extension Message, this is a string that is defined by the verifier or verification automation.
messageType : MessageType String M The message type, request or response, see § 3.63 Data Type: MessageType for details.
senderId: String String M The Id for the sender of the message.
correlationId : String String M The correlation Id for the message will be the same for related messages, typically the initial request message’s id.
conversationId : String String O A conversation Id for the message, this is used to track the conversation between the parties and should be set for message pairs that may have multiple requests and responses tied to a process.
closed Boolean O A boolean that indicates if the conversation is closed, is optional for use by messaging implementations.
mrvExtensionContext : MrvExtensionContext String M The context for the MRV Extension Message, see § 3.62 Data Type: MrvExtensionContext for details.
message object M The content of the message that is defined by the participants in the MRV Process.
Properties of data type MrvExtensionMessage

3.18. Data Type: MrvEntityExtension

A MRV Entity Extension is an extensible JSON object that contains the MRV data that is specific to a Quality Standard/Methodology Entity. MRV Entity Extensions can be defined by the methdology developers or the verifier, or verification automation to include attributes or data that is helpful to have on the ledger. MrvExtensions can be added to most entity types, i.e., ActivityImpactModule, ImpactClaim, and ProcessedClaim types.

The MRV Entity Extension can be simple and only have a collection of properties or more complex with an accompanying schema.

Sample and official extensions can be found in the Extensions folder of the Token Taxonomy Framework. Adopters of this specification are invited to create their own typed extension sets for QualityStandards or industries that they are working with.

3.18.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
id : Id String M A unique identifier for the MRV Entity Extension, this is a string that is defined by the verifier or verification automation.
name : String String M The name of the MRV Entity Extension, this is a string that is defined by the verifier or verification automation.
version: String String M The versions of the MRV Entity Extension specification, default is 1.0.0.
description : String String M A description of the MRV Entity Extension, this is a string that is defined by the verifier or verification automation describing the purpose of the extension.
documentation :String String O A link to the documentation for the MRV Entity Extension, see § 3.21 Extension Documentation: ExtensionDocumentation for details.
mrvExtensionContext : MrvExtensionContext String M The type of extension and which entity it applies to, See § 3.62 Data Type: MrvExtensionContext for details.
properties : Property Array O* An extension property is a simple name, value pair, see § 3.19 Data Type: Property for details.
dataSchemaOrType : string URI, URL or string O* A link to the Json schema file for the MRV Entity Extension that the data property follows or is mapped to. It also may contain a type name for direct serialization/de-serialization functionality.
data Object O* A Json object that contains the data for the extension.
Properties of data type MrvEntityExtension

3.19. Data Type: Property

A property contains a simple key value pair that is used in MRV Extensions.

3.19.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
key : String String M The key of the property of the extension, this is a string name for the extension.
value : String String M The value of the property of the extension, this is a string value for the extension. This could contain a serialized object.
Properties of data type DataExtension

3.20. Extension Schema File: ExtensionDefinition

MRV extensions MAY define a valid JSON Schema document according to the JSON Schema specification. The extension schema file defines the data encoding and syntactical data validation details.

Authors of extension schema definitions SHOULD attempt to add as many validation rules as possible such that data validation can be automated as much as possible.

Extension schemas SHOULD be defined in a way to make illegal extension representations unrepresentable.

Additional details which are not representable in JSON Schema such as data semantics or validation rules, MUST be defined in the extension documentation (§ 3.21 Extension Documentation: ExtensionDocumentation).

3.21. Extension Documentation: ExtensionDocumentation

The extension documentation is a human-readable document that describes the extension in detail. Extension document MUST be written in English. The documentation CAN be offered as a translation in other languages as well.

The documentation MUST include:

  1. Version of the extension and the document. The value MUST be a string in the format major.minor.patch as defined in Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.

  2. If the extension was updated, the document MUST include a changelog. The changelog MUST contain a summary of the changes between subsequent versions.

  3. A description of the extension, including the business case addressed by the extension and the business value gained by extending the Pathfinder Data Model. 2.1 This includes methodological alignment of the extension, especially covering the alignment with the Pathfinder Framework if applicable.

  4. A public URL to the § 3.20 Extension Schema File: ExtensionDefinition.

  5. A license declaration covering the documentation, the extension schema file, and their use.

  6. Electronic contact information on how to get in touch with the authors and maintainers of the extension.

3.22. Token & Data Type: ProcessedClaim

The verification automation or VVB creates a ProcessedClaim at the beginning of verification to track the verification process and support continous verification. A ProcessedClaim is paired with an ImpactClaim and also contains a collection of CheckpointResults where results for each checkpoint verified are recorded.

3.22.1. Base Token and Behaviors

The ProcessedClaim has a Non-Fungible base with the following behaviors:

  1. Indivisible (~d): The ProcessedClaim is indivisible, meaning it cannot be divided into multiple ImpactClaim tokens.

  2. Non-transferable (~t): The ProcessedClaim is non-transferable, meaning it cannot be transferred to another parent Accountable Impact Organization/AIM.

  3. Delegable (g): The ProcessedClaim can have certain behaviors delegated to another party.

  4. CredibleClaimControl (CCC): The ProcessedClaim also has this Behavior-Group with a set of behaviors a bundled and configured to control the processing of the ImpactClaim.

    • Mintable (m): The ProcessedClaim can be minted, i.e., created, by the parent ActivityImpactModule.

    • Roles (r): The ProcessedClaim can have roles assigned to it, i.e., the Issuing Registry. that has the ability to burn or retire the claim after a credit has been issued.

    • Burnable (b): The ProcessedClaim can be burned, i.e., retired, by the VVB or Verifier.

TTF base formula with behaviors is: [τN{~d,~t,g,CCC}]

3.22.2. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
id : String String M Unique identifier for the ProcessedClaim, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
vpaId : String String M The unique identifier for the parent VerificationProcessAgreement, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
impactClaimId : String String M The unique identifier for the paired ImpactClaim, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
creditId : String String O The unique identifier for the credit, once issued, associated with the ProcessedClaim, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
unit : Unit String M The unit of measurement/analysis of the project. See Data Type § 3.92 Data Type: Unit for further information.
quantity : Decimal Decimal M The verified benefit quantity after the verification period is complete.
co-benefits : Co-benefit Object M A collection of co-benefits that should be attributed to the credit issued. See § 3.30 Data Type: Co-Benefit for details.
checkpointResults : CheckpointResults Object M A collection of checkpoint results for the ProcessedClaim. See § 3.23 Data Type: CheckpointResult for details.
mrvEntityExtensions : MrvEntityExtension Object O A collection of MRV extensions that are specific to the Quality Standard/Methodology. See § 3.18 Data Type: MrvEntityExtension for details.
issuanceRequest : Object M Since a processed claim is generic, it can contain an issuance request that contains the proposed asset type with values to the issuing registry to use as a consideration. For example, this field could contain as the proposed asset a CRU Token with the values that the verifier proposes after verification. This allows the processed claim to be used as the source for any type of asset or credit.
Properties of data type ProcessedClaim

3.23. Data Type: CheckpointResult

A CheckpointResult is summary and verified links to verification results for the corresponding ImpactClaimCheckpoint. The CheckpointResult enables continous verification of the project and the ability to provide feedback to the developer during the verification process.

3.23.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
id : String String M Unique identifier for the CheckpointResult, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
checkpointId : String String M The unique identifier for the corresponding ImpactClaimCheckpoint being processed, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
verifiedLinkToProcessDataResult : VerifiedLink Object M A VerifiedLink object that contain the processed data findings from verification. See § 3.35 Data Type: VerifiedLink for details.
dateRange : DateRange DateRange M The date range for the checkpoint being processed. See § 3.51 Data Type: DateRange for details.
efBefore : String String O Verified environmental factor before activity - i.e., total emissions = 3 tCO2e
efAfter : String String O Verified environmental factor after activity - i.e., total emissions = 2 tCO2e.
mrvEntityExtensions : MrvEntityExtension Object O A collection of MRV extensions that are specific to the Quality Standard/Methodology. See § 3.18 Data Type: MrvEntityExtension for details.
Properties of data type CheckpointResult

3.24. Agreement & Data Type: VerificationProcessAgreement

A VerificationProcessAgreement is an agreement between a developer, verifier and registry that defines the terms of the verification process. Shared properties of all the data entities in the validation and verification process are listed here, like the Quality Standard being used, the MRV Requirements, Claim Period, audit schedule, etc. The VerificationProcessAgreement is the indirect parent object for all the other data entities in the origination process.

3.24.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
id : String String M Unique identifier for the VerificationProcessAgreement, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
name : String String M The name of the Verification Process Agreement, usually the name of the project - name of the issuing registry.
description : String String M A description of the Verification Process Agreement and where special instructions are provided.
signatories : Signatory Array M A collection of signatories, the AIM owner, Issuing Registry, VVB and verification platform are examples of signatories. See § 3.38 Data Type: Signatory for details.
qualityStandard : QualityStandard Object M The quality standard being used for the verification. See § 3.48 Data Type QualityStandard for details.
mrvRequirements : MRVRequirements Object M The MRV requirements being used for the verification. See § 3.49 Data Type MRVRequirements for details.
agreementDate : DateString String M The date the agreement was signed. See § 3.53 Data Type: DateString for details.
estimatedAnnualCredits : String O The quantity of credits that are expected to be generated annually.
aimId : Id String M The unique identifier for the corresponding AIM. See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
AuditSchedule : AuditSchedule String M The string representation of the audit schedule, see § 3.83 Data Type: AuditSchedule for details.
Audits : Audits Object M The audits that are required for the verification agreement. See § 3.37 Data Type: Audits for details.
mrvEntityExtensions : MrvEntityExtension Array O A collection of optional MrvEntityExtensions, see § 3.18 Data Type: MrvEntityExtension for details.
Properties of data type VerificationProcessAgreement

3.25. Token & Data Type: CRU

The Carbon Removal or Reduction Unit, is a digital asset or token that services as a credit represents 1 metric tonne of CO2e. This is a non-financial, un-regulated, intangible digital asset that behavies like a commodity and is ready for distribution.

This is one example of a specific type of token or credit that can represent the ecological or environmental benefits that can be traded and retired to net down effective emissions for the beneficiary.

Other types of credits can be created, and reuse all of the other data entities for the generic validation and verification process.

3.25.1. Base Token and Behaviors

The CRU has a Non-Fungible base with the following behaviors:

  1. Divisible (d): The CRU can be divided into multiple CRU tokens, up to 4 decimal places.

  2. Transferable (t): The CRU can be transferred from one party to another.

  3. Encumberable (e): The CRU can be encumbered by a third party, typically by a listing agent for distribution.

  4. Revokable (v): The CRU can be revoked by the issuer, typically if the credit is found to be invalid, i.e., a carbon reversal event.

  5. Delegable (g): The CRU can be delegated to a third party, typically by a listing agent in distribution scenarios.

  6. Offsetable Supply Control (OSC): The CRU has a Behavior-Group for offseting and supply control with the following behaviors:

    • Mintable (m): The CRU can be minted by the issuer.

    • Roles (r): The CRU has a role for the issuer to be able to mint/issue and approve retirements.

    • Burnable (b): The CRU can be burned or retired by the owner, or by delegation, but requires approval by the issuer and optionaly can include other metadata like reporting period and jurisdiction.

TTF base formula with behaviors is: [τN{d,t,e,v,g,}]

3.25.2. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
id : Id String M Unique identifier for the CRU, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
quantity : Decimal Decimal M A quantity that is fractional to represent up to 8 decimal places, use a string or decimal for the quantity.
unit : Unit String M The string representation of the unit of measure, see § 3.92 Data Type: Unit for details.
ownerId : Id string M The id for the owner of the CRU, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
listingAgentid : String String M The unique identifier for the listing agent, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details. This could be a marketplace or exchange that has an encumberance on the CRU and can split or transfer their representations of the CRU to other parties on their system of record.
coreCarbonPrinciples : CoreCarbonPrinciples Object M The CoreCarbonPrinciples for this CRU, see § 3.26 Data Type: CoreCarbonPrinciples for details.
climateLabels : ClimateLabel Array O A collection of optional climate labels, see § 3.34 Data Type: ClimateLabel for details.
status : CreditStatus Status M The status of the CRU, see § 3.88 Data Type: CreditStatus for details.
referencedCru : ReferencedCredit Array O Used to hold values for reference a credits on another registry, there are likely to be more fields needed here so using a property-set instead of a single field. See § 3.36 Data Type: ReferencedCredit for details.
appliedToId : Id String O Optional link to the Id of the reporting period the asset was retired for, if supported. See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
processedClaimId : Id String M The id for the ProcessedClaim that the CRU is based on, see § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
issuerId : Id String M The id for the Issuing Registry, see § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
Properties of data type CRU

3.26. Data Type: CoreCarbonPrinciples

The CoreCarbonPrinciples are a set of properties that are used to describe the carbon removal or reduction that follows the ICVCM Core Carbon Principles.

3.26.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
assetId : Id String O Typically the issuing registry’s master id or serial number that resides on their registry system. Could be empty or the same as the token’s id if not needed.
issuanceDate : DateString String M The date of credit issuance, see § 3.53 Data Type: DateString for details.
vintage : String String M The vintage year of the credit for the project.
generationType : GenerationType String M The string representation for how the credit was generated, see § 3.73 Data Type: GenerationType for details.
verificationStandard : Standard String M The string representation of the verification standard, see § 3.89 Data Type: Standard for details.
mitigationActivity : MitigationActivity String M The string representation of the MitigationActivity, see § 3.46 Data Type: MitigationActivity for details.
durability : Durability Object M The Durability properties for the credit, see § 3.27 Data Type: Durability for details.
replacement : Replacement Object O Present if the credit is a replacement credit, see § 3.29 Data Type: Replacement for details.
paCompliance : PACompliance Object M The PACompliance properties for the credit, see § 3.32 Data Type: PACompliance for details.
quantifiedSDGImpacts : Co-benefit Array O An array of optional quantified impact cobenefits, see § 3.84 Data Type: UN-SDGs for details.
adaptionCoBenefits : UN-SDGs Array O An array of adaptation co-benefits of the token consistent with the host country’s priorities, consistent with the provisions under Article 7.1 of the Paris Agreement, see § 3.84 Data Type: UN-SDGs for details.
Properties of data type CoreCarbonPrinciples

3.27. Data Type: Durability

The Durability properties are used to describe the durability of the carbon removal or reduction, its expected permanence, and the expected duration of the carbon removal or reduction. It includes the risk of reversal and how that risk is mitigated.

3.27.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
storageType : Storage String M The string representation of the Storage Type, see § 3.77 Data Type: Storage for details.
years : WholeNumber Number M The length of time in years that the carbon removal or reduction is expected to last.
degradable : Degradable Object M The degradable properties for the credit, see § 3.28 Data Type: Degradable for details.
reversalMitigation : ReversalMitigation Object M The risk of reversal and how the risk is mitigated, see § 3.31 Data Type: ReversalMitigation for details.
Properties of data type Durability

3.28. Data Type: Degradable

The Degradable properties are used to describe the degradation of the carbon removal or reduction.

3.28.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
percentage : WholeNumber Number M The rate of degradation of the carbon removal or reduction, 0 = no degredation possible, 100 = all sequestered should be expected to be released
factor : WholeNumber Number M Factor of years for degredation, 25 = .25 per year if linear or exponential starts at 25% of durability years.
degredationType : DegradationType String M A string representation of the degredation type, see § 3.58 Data Type: DegradationType for details.
Properties of data type Degradable

3.29. Data Type: Replacement

Replacement is used when a credit is replacing a revoked credit.

3.29.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
replacesId : String String M The Id of the revoked credit being replaced.
replacementDate : DateString String M The date of the replacement, see § 3.53 Data Type: DateString for details.
notes : String O Optional notes about the revokation and replacement
Figure 1: Replacement Properties

3.30. Data Type: Co-Benefit

Co-benefits currently map to the UN SDGs and include a description for how the benefit applies.

3.30.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
un-sdg : UN-SDGs String M The string representation of a UN SDG that the co-benefit applies to. See § 3.84 Data Type: UN-SDGs for details.
description String M A description of how the co-benefit applies to the project or activity.
Properties of data type Co-Benefit

3.31. Data Type: ReversalMitigation

The ReversalMitigation properties are used to describe the risk of reversal and how the risk is mitigated.

3.31.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
reversalRisk : ReversalRisk String M The string representation of the reversal risk. See § 3.59 Data Type: ReversalRisk for details.
insuranceType : DurabilityInsuranceType String M A string representation of the insurance type, see § 3.60 Data Type: DurabilityInsuranceType for details.
insurancePolicyOwner : InsurancePolicyOwner String M A string representation of the insurance policy owner, see § 3.61 Data Type: InsurancePolicyOwner for details.
insurancePolicyLink : VerifiedLink Object O Link to the insurance policy, see § 3.35 Data Type: VerifiedLink for details.
Properties of data type ReversalMitigation

3.32. Data Type: PACompliance

Details about a credit’s Paris Agreement Compliance.

3.32.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
correspondingAdjustment : CorrespondingAdjustment String M The string status of the corresponding adjustment, see§ 3.91 Data Type: CorrespondingAdjustment for details.
letterOfApproval : VerifiedLink Object O Optional verified link to the letter of approval. See § 3.35 Data Type: VerifiedLink for details.
itmoId : ITMOId String O Optional ITMO Id, see § 3.57 Data Type: ITMOId for details.
Figure 1: PACompliance Properties

3.33. Token & Data Type: REC

The Renewable Energy Credit is an example token is a Fungible Token that represents the environmental benefits of a renewable energy project and is exchangeable for evidencing the production of electricity. The primary unit of measure for I-REC(E)s is the megawatt hour (MWh), with below megawatt hour resolution to the watt hour (Wh) as optional. Each unit of electricity is uniquely attributable to the source generation using the same project and claims process that other assets like the CRU originate from.

This is one example of a specific type of token or credit that can represent the ecological or environmental benefits that can be traded and retired to net down effective emissions for the beneficiary.

3.33.1. Base Token and Behaviors

The REC has a Non-Fungible base with the following behaviors:

  1. Divisible (d): The REC can be divided into multiple REC tokens, up to 6 decimal places.

    • 1.000000 = 1MW

    • 0.001000 = 1kW

    • 0.000001 = 1W

  2. Transferable (t): The REC can be transferred from one party to another.

  3. Encumberable (e): The REC can be encumbered by a third party, typically by a listing agent for distribution.

  4. Revokable (v): The REC can be revoked by the issuer, typically if the credit is found to be invalid, i.e., a carbon reversal event.

  5. Delegable (g): The REC can be delegated to a third party, typically by a listing agent in distribution scenarios.

  6. Offsetable Supply Control (OSC): The REC has a Behavior-Group for offseting and supply control with the following behaviors:

    • Mintable (m): The REC can be minted by the issuer.

    • Roles (r): The REC has a role for the issuer to be able to mint/issue and approve retirements.

    • Burnable (b): The REC can be burned or retired by the owner, or by delegation, but requires approval by the issuer and optionaly can include other metadata like reporting period and jurisdiction.

TTF base formula with behaviors is: [τF{d,t,e,v,g,}]

3.33.2. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
id : Id String M Unique identifier for the REC, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
type : RecType String M The string representation of the REC type, see § 3.72 Data Type: RecType for details.
validJurisdiction : String String O Optional jurisdiction where of the REC can be redeemed, i.e. US-Texas, multiples separated by a comma.
quantity : Decimal Decimal M A quantity that is fractional to represent up to 8 decimal places, use a string or decimal for the quantity.
unit : Unit String M The string representation of the unit of measure, see § 3.92 Data Type: Unit for details.
ownerId : Id string M The id for the owner of the REC, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
listingAgentid : Id String M The unique identifier for the listing agent, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details. This could be a marketplace or exchange that has an encumberance on the REC and can split or transfer their representations of the REC to other parties on their system of record.
climateLabels : ClimateLabel Array O A collection of optional climate labels, see § 3.34 Data Type: ClimateLabel for details.
status : CreditStatus Status M The status of the REC, see § 3.88 Data Type: CreditStatus for details.
referencedRec : ReferencedCredit Array O Used to hold values for reference a credits on another registry, there are likely to be more fields needed here so using a property-set instead of a single field. See § 3.36 Data Type: ReferencedCredit for details.
appliedToId : Id String O Optional link to the Id of the reporting period the asset was retired for, if supported. See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
processedClaimId : Id String M The id for the ProcessedClaim that the REC is based on, see § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
issuerId : Id String M The id for the Issuing Registry, see § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
Properties of data type REC

3.34. Data Type: ClimateLabel

A ClimateLabel is a reference to an external data element that contains a climate label, typically set by the registry or methodology.

3.34.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
id : String String M Unique identifier for the ClimateLabel, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
name : String String M The name of the ClimateLabel.
description : String String M A description about how the label applies to the credit.
Properties of data type ClimateLabel

A VerifiedLink is a reference, URI or URL to an external data element along with a cryptographic fingerprint of the external data so that its integrity can be checked by any party.

3.36. Data Type: ReferencedCredit

A ReferencedCredit is used to hold values for credits that reference a credit on another registry, there are likely to be more fields needed here so using a property-set instead of a single field.

3.36.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
referencedCreditId : Id String M Unique identifier for the referenced credit, this can be a serial number or a master id on the external registry.
registryLink : VerifiedLink Object M VerifiedLink to the external registry for the referenced credit or asset, see § 3.35 Data Type: VerifiedLink for details.
metadata : String String O Optional metadata about the referenced credit, json serialized as a string.
Properties of data type ReferencedCredit

3.37. Data Type: Audits

Audits contain the audit schedule, date of last audit and the verified links to the audit reports for the verification agreement.

3.37.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
lastAuditDate : DateString String O Date of the audit, See § 3.53 Data Type: DateString for details.
auditReports : VerifiedLink Array M A collection of VerifiedLinks to audit reports for the verification agreement, see § 3.35 Data Type: VerifiedLink .
Properties of data type Audits

3.38. Data Type: Signatory

A Signatory is a party that has signed a document or agreement. The Signatory is a digital entity or identity in a specific role in the dMRV process.

3.38.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
id : Id String M Unique identifier for the signatory, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
name : String String M The individual or organization name in the role.
description : String String M A description of the signatory, notes or comments.
signatoryRole : SignatoryRole String M The role of the signatory in the dMRV process.
signature : DigitalSignature Object M The digital signature of the signatory.
Properties of data type Signatory

Data Type: DigitalSignature

3.39. Data Type: DigitalSignature

A Signature is a digital signature of a document or agreement. The Signature is a digital entity or identity in a specific role in the dMRV process. Support for JWT and Verifiable Credentials is planned.

3.39.1. Properties

A Signature contains the following properties:

Property Type Req Specification
type : SignatureType String M String representation of the enum SignatureType, see § 3.69 Data Type: SignatureType for details.
jws : String String O If using a JWS, this is the serialized JWS.
credential : Credential Object O If using a Verifiable Credential, this is the VC.
Properties of data type Signature

Data Type: Credential (data format, type (JWS, Verifiable Credential))

3.40. Data Type: Credential

A Credential is a digital credential that is an emerging W3C standard for Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and Verifiable Credentials (VCs). As implementations of the standard emerge, the dMRV specification will be updated to reflect the standard. Implementations can use the current format and type of the credential as a placeholder until the standard is finalized.

It is expected that the Credential will be a JSON Web Signature (JWS) or a Verifiable Credential (VC) as defined by the W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model 1.0 specification and can be used to assign a DID to a party, device, source, etc. in the dMRV process. These will be used for attestations, verifications, and signatures in the dMRV process.

See W3C Verifiable Credentials Implementation Guidelines 1.0 for more information.

3.40.1. Properties

A Credential contains the following properties:

Property Type Req Specification
context : String Array M The context of the credential, an array of strings.
id : String String M The id of the credential, a string.
type : CredentialType Array M The list of credential types, an array of strings.
issuer : String String M The issuer of the credential, a string.
issuanceDate : DateString String M The issuance date of the credential, a string, see § 3.53 Data Type: DateString for details.
credentialSubject : CredentialSubject Object M The subject of the credential, an object.
proof : Proof Object M The proof of the credential, an object.
Properties of data type Credential

3.41. Data Type: CredentialSubject

A CredentialSubject is the subject of a Credential.

3.41.1. Properties

A CredentialSubject contains the following properties:

Property Type Req Specification
id : String String O Unique identifier for the credential subject, usually assigned if referencing another DiD, but an optional property.
property : String String M The subject may contain multiple properties, these can be presented as a Json string in a single property or an array of properties.
Properties of data type CredentialSubject

3.42. Data Type: Proof

A Proof is a digital proof of a Credential.

3.42.1. Properties

A Proof contains the following properties:

Property Type Req Specification
type : ProofType String M String representation of the enum ProofType, see § 3.67 Data Type: ProofType for details.
created : DateString String M The creation date of the proof, a string, see § 3.53 Data Type: DateString for details.
proofPurpose : String String M The purpose of the proof, a string.
verificationMethod : String String M The verification method of the proof, a string.
challenge : String String O Optional for Presentations for replay attacks, the challenge of the proof, a string.
domain : String String O Optional for Presentations for replay attacks, the domain of the proof, a string.
jws : String String M The JSON Web Signature of the proof, a string.
Properties of data type Proof

3.43. Data Type: VerifiablePresentation

A VerifiablePresentation is a digital presentation of a Verifiable Credential or Digital Signature that is linked to a DID or Signatory.

3.43.1. Properties

A VerifiablePresentation contains the following properties:

Property Type Req Specification
id : String String M The id of the presentation, a string.
type : SignatureType String M The type of the presentation, a string.
holder : String String M The holder of the presentation, a string.
credentials : Credential Array M The credentials of the presentation, an array of objects.
proof : Proof Object M The proof of the presentation, an object.
Properties of data type VerifiablePresentation

3.44. Data Type: Attestation

Attestations provide opportunities for context in MRV data. Conceptually, attestations can be the data within the project or the commentary around the project. For project data, “Direct Data Attestations” can come from individuals, project developers, verifiers, and/or directly from devices asserting an event that is represented digitally on the public ledger.

Attestations, metadata, or “Tags” describing digital entities, such as actors, calculations, or their quantifiable outcomes, allow for more context to exist about Accountable Impact Organizations or Impact Modules (AIM) within the market, which inherently have a relationship with credit pricing and can describe overall project effectiveness.

3.44.1. Properties

An Attestation contains the following properties:

Property Type Req Specification
tag : Tag Object M Allow for more context and attributes to be applied to a data type and be digitally signed, see § 3.45 Data Type: Tag for details.
type : AttestationType String M The type of the attestation, a string.
proof_type : ProofType String M The type of the proof, a string.
attestor : String String M The attestor of the attestation, a string.
signature : DigitalSignature Object M The signature of the attestation, an object.
Properties of data type Attestation

3.45. Data Type: Tag

Are attestated metadata describing digital entities, such as actors, calculations, or their quantifiable outcomes, allow for more context to exist about a data type within the market, which inherently have a relationship with credit pricing and can describe overall project effectiveness.

3.45.1. Properties

A Tag’s properties will vary based on the implementation, for example using DIDs or Verified Credentials. An example tag might have the following properties:

Property Type Req Specification
id : Id String M Id of the tag, see § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
name : String String M Name of the tag as applied to the data type.
context : String Array M The contexts of the tag, similar to Json-LD, an array of strings.
description : String String M The description of the tag.
Properties of data type Attestation

3.46. Data Type: MitigationActivity

The combination structure of the CCP MitigationActivity attribute.

3.46.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
carbonCategory : CarbonCategory String M The activity of the project, see § 3.74 Data Type: CarbonCategory for details.
method : Method String M The method used by the project for its activities, see § 3.76 Data Type: Method for details.
Properties of data type MitigationActivity

3.47. Data Type: GeographicLocation

The GeographicLocation is a data type that can represent a GNSS/GPS point location for projects like a facility or building and or a geographic area, like a land project using a polygon represented as a string or file. *Either the longitude and latitude or the string or file for the area must have a value.

3.47.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
id : Id String M Unique identifier for the GNSS, See § 3.96 Data Type: Id for details.
latitude : Decimal Decimal O* The latitude of the location using Decimal Degrees.
longitude : Decimal Decimal O* The longitude of the location using Decimal Degrees.
geoJsonOrKml : String String O* The geoJson or KML as a minimized string of the geographic area.
geographicLocationFile : VerifiedLink Object O* The geographic location file, Geojson, KML, etc., for larger geographic data sets, see § 3.35 Data Type: VerifiedLink for details.
Properties of data type GeographicLocation

3.48. Data Type QualityStandard

The QualityStandard is a set of properties that identify the accredited standard, a methodology and any versioning information for the validation and verification process.

3.48.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
name : String String M Name of the quality standard, methodology or protocol, can include version information in the name.
description : String String O Description of the quality standard, can include differentiating information related to the project implementation.
standard : Standard String M The standard used for the quality standard. See § 3.89 Data Type: Standard for details.
methdologyAndTools : MethodologyAndTool Array M A list of the methodology and any tools used for the quality standard. See § 3.90 Data Type: MethodologyAndTool for details.
version :String String O The version of the quality standard, methodology or protocol.
co-benefits : Co-Benefit Object O The co-benefits of the quality standard. See § 3.30 Data Type: Co-Benefit for details.
standardLink : VerifiedLink Object M The VerifiedLink to the standard. See § 3.35 Data Type: VerifiedLink for details.
Properties of data type QualityStandard

3.49. Data Type MRVRequirements

The MRVRequirements is a set of properties that identify the measurement specification, the precision of the measurement and the link to the specification. Here is where a Quality Standard can prescribe a set of MRV Extensions to be used in the verification process.

3.49.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
MeasurementSpecification : MeasurementSpecification String M A string representation of the measurement specification, see § 3.87 Data Type: MeasurementSpecification for details.
specificationLink : VerifiedLink Object M The VerifiedLink to the specification. See § 3.35 Data Type: VerifiedLink for details.
precision : PrecisionMix Object M The precision of the measurement. See § 3.50 Data Type: PrecisionMix for details.
claimPeriod : ClaimPeriod String M The string representation of claim period for measurement and reporting. See § 3.79 Data Type: ClaimPeriod for details.
mrvExtensionSet : MrvExtensionSet Object M A collection of MRV extensions, called a set, used in the verification process, see § 3.14 Data Type: MrvExtensionSet for details.
Properties of data type MRVRequirements

3.50. Data Type: PrecisionMix

The mix of precision, by percentage, of the measurement specification used for the project. The sum of all the mixes must be 100 for 100%.

3.50.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
low : Decimal Decimal M The percentage of estimated or factored precision for the project.
medium : Decimal Decimal M The percentage of indirect high quality precision for the project.
high : Decimal Decimal M The percentage of direct highly accurate measurements for the project, i.e., from sensors.
Properties of data type PrecisionMix

3.51. Data Type: DateRange

A date range contains a start and end date, with optional timestamps for precision.

3.51.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
start : DatePoint DatePoint M The start date of the range.
end : DatePoint DatePoint M The end date of the range.
Properties of the DateRange data type.

3.52. Data Type: DatePoint

A DatePoint combines a date with an optional UTC Timestamp for precision if needed.

3.52.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
date : Date Date M The date of the point. See § 3.54 Data Type: Date for details.
timestamp : Timestamp Timestamp O The UTC timestamp of the point.
Properties of the DatePoint data type.

3.53. Data Type: DateString

A simple date string, i.e. "2023-01-01".

3.53.1. Json Representation

Each DateString MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.54. Data Type: Date

Represents a date with discrete values for month, day and year.

3.54.1. Properties

Property Type Req Specification
dateTime : DateTime String O The UTC date time, often used as DateTimeOffset, depending on the platform.
dateString : String String M Can be a simple date string, i.e. "2023-01-01".
Properties of data type Date

3.55. Data Type: DateTime

A DateTime is a date and time with an optional UTC Timestamp for precision if needed.

Example values:

3.55.1. JSON Representation

Each DateTime MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.56. Data Type: Timestamp

A Timestamp is a number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).

Example values:

3.56.1. JSON Representation

Each Timestamp MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.57. Data Type: ITMOId

An ITMOId is a unique identifier for an Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcome. It is a unique composite identifier made up of 6 parts, separated by a -.


The parts are:

  • CA12 - Identifier of the cooperative approach assigned at authorization, cannot be changed once assigned

  • EU01 - Identifier of the originating Party registry

  • SP - Identifier of the first transferring Party

  • 1236500 - Serial Number

  • 2022 - Vintage of the underlying mitigation outcome

  • NIO - Authorizations granted to the ITMO may change under certain circumstances to be defined by the CMA: N = NDC, I = International Mitigation Purposes, O = Other

3.57.1. JSON Representation

Each ITMOId MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.58. Data Type: DegradationType

Does the sequestration degrade over time?


the activity claim is not applicable to degradation.


for activity claim is linear degradation


for activity claim is exponential degradation

3.58.1. JSON Representation

Each DegredationType MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.59. Data Type: ReversalRisk

Carbon sequestration reversal risk.


GHG reservoirs are subject to zero risk if the form of carbon storage is such that stored CO2e cannot conceivably be released into the atmosphere. This also includes activity types with no storage, and thus no risk of reversal, e.g., Enhanced weathering of minerals, mineralisation, renewable energy, other activities leading to lower demand for fossil fuel.


GHG reservoirs might be subject to low risk of reversal if the characteristics of storage reservoirs (e.g., the geological formation in which carbon is to be stored,in the case of carbon capture and storage) and monitoring requirements virtually eliminate risk, e.g. Carbon capture and storage in geological formations, direct air capture and storage.


GHG reservoirs might be subject to significant reversal risks if: risks of reversal are exogenous and/or unavoidable (e.g., extreme weather events, invasive pest outbreaks, and wildfires); the GHG reservoir is subject to natural disturbance and natural fluxes in carbon inventories; reversal events may or can be expected to occur over a specified time horizon (100 years); a mitigation activity proponent could have economic interests in intentionally causing a reversal (for example cutting down a forest for timber or changing land use to agriculture), e.g. Improved forest management, afforestation/reforestation, enhanced soil organic carbon sequestration, Avoided deforestation, sequestration via harvested wood products (for example buildings)

3.59.1. JSON Representation

Each ReversalRisk MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.60. Data Type: DurabilityInsuranceType

Types of durability insurance for carbon removal credits.


an Accountable Impact Organization or insurance product can set aside credits into a pool for risk mitigation. If needed issued credits can be revoked and replaced by credits from the pool.


purchase price of the credit is refunded to the buyer and the credit is revoked.

3.60.1. JSON Representation

Each DurabilityInsuranceType MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.61. Data Type: InsurancePolicyOwner

The owner of the durability insurance policy.


the Accountable Impact Organization is the owner of the insurance policy.


the issuing registry is the owner of the insurance policy.


the retirer is the owner of the insurance policy.


the custodian is the owner of the insurance policy.

3.61.1. JSON Representation

Each InsurancePolicyOwner MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.62. Data Type: MrvExtensionContext

An MRV Extension can be context specific and attach to the appropriate data type. Because there can be many MRV Extensions defined for a Quality Standard and be applied to different data types, the MRV Extension Type is used to identify the data type to which the MRV Extension applies.


Unknown context


Accountable Impact Organization context


Activity Impact Module context


Claim Source context


Impact Claim context


Checkpoint context


Checkpoint Result context


Data Package Manifest context


Data File context


Processed Claim context


Verification Process Agreement context

3.62.1. JSON Representation

Each MrvExtensionContext MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.63. Data Type: MessageType

The type of MRV Extension message.


for Request


for Response

3.63.1. JSON Representation

Each MessageType MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.64. Data Type: FileType

The file type indicates what data is contained within the file.


The file contains binary data.


The file contains CSV data.


The file contains JSON data.


The file contains XML data.


The file is in Avro format.


The file contains other data.

3.64.1. JSON Representation

Each FileType MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.65. Data Type: HashAlgorithm

The HashAlgorithm is a string enumeration that defines the cryptographic hash algorithm used to generate the hash of an external data element.


The SHA-256 cryptographic hash algorithm.


The SHA3 cryptographic hash algorithm.

3.65.1. JSON Representation

Each HashAlgorithm MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.66. Data Type: AttestationType

Attestations can take the form of traditional PKI/JWT or Verified Credentials


JSON Web Token


Verified Credentials

3.66.1. JSON Representation

Each AttestationType MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.67. Data Type: ProofType

The type of attestation requested, supports two types: JWT, along with a ciphertype and Verified Credentials.


Json Web Token


Data Integrity Proofs


Camenisch-Lysyanskaya Zero-Knowledge Proofs

3.67.1. JSON Representation

Each ProofType MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.68. Data Type: CredentialType

The type of credential requested, supports three types: Verifiable Credentials, Verifiable Presentations, and Identity Credentials.


Verifiable Credentials


Verifiable Presentations


Identity Credentials

3.68.1. JSON Representation

Each CredentialType MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.69. Data Type: SignatureType

The type of signature requested, supports two types: JSON Web Signature and Verified Credentials.


JSON Web Signature


Verified Credentials

3.69.1. JSON Representation

Each SignatureType MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.70. Data Type: SignatoryRole

Role of the signatory for the Validation and Verification process.


for Issuing Registry


for Validation and Verification Body


for Project Owner


for Verification Automation Provider


for Accountable Impact Organization


for Activity Impact Module

3.70.1. JSON Representation

Each SignatoryRole MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.71. Data Type: ClassificationCategory

The ClassificationCategory is a string enumeration that defines the classification for the type of credit the project is seeking. This list will be expanded to include other categories, like biodiversity, in the future.


for Carbon Avoidance


for Carbon Reduction


for Carbon Removal


for Water


for undefined

3.71.1. JSON Representation

Each ClassificationCategory MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.72. Data Type: RecType

The REC Type is a string enumeration that defines the type of renewable energy credit or program used to generate the credit.


For International REC


For North American REC

REC Types need to be completed

3.72.1. JSON Representation

Each RecType MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.73. Data Type: GenerationType

How the project generates the credits.


the credit was generated by evidence collected and verified by the project; verifier and registry


the credit represents forcasted emissions reductions


the credit represents historical emissions reductions

3.73.1. JSON Representation

Each GenerationType MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.74. Data Type: CarbonCategory

The CarbonCategory is used by the Core Carbon Principles to indicate wiether a credit is a reduction or a removal.


for Carbon Reduction


for Carbon Removal

3.74.1. JSON Representation

Each CarbonCategory MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.75. Data Type: ClaimSourceType

A ClaimSourceType is the source type for evidence in a claim that can include sensor, meter, application, reference, etc.


A sensor or meter that collects data to support a claim, e.g., IoT, meter, etc.


An application running on a device, iPad, etc. that uses the device’s sensors like GPS, date/time and user authentication as evidence of source claim data.


Reference data like satellite imagery, remote sensing, anayltical models, etc.

3.75.1. JSON Representation

Each ClaimSourceType MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.76. Data Type: Method

The method used by the project for its activities.


for Natural or using Natural processes


for Technological or engineered


for both Natural and Technological

3.76.1. JSON Representation

Each Method MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.77. Data Type: Storage

Storage is used by the Core Carbon Principles to indicate the storage type.


for biological carbon sequestration


for geological carbon sequestration


for sequestrationin materials, i.e., in products, concrete, etc.

3.77.1. JSON Representation

Each Storage MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.78. Data Type: Region

The region of the project.


for Global


for Central America


for Central Asia


for East Asia


for Europe


for International


for Middle East


for North Africa


for North America


for Oceania


for South America


for South Asia


for South East Asia


for Sub-Saharan Africa

3.78.1. JSON Representation

Each Region MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.79. Data Type: ClaimPeriod

Duration of the claim period.


for Daily


for Weekly


for Monthly


for Quarterly


for Semiannual


for Annual


for Biennial

3.79.1. JSON Representation

Each ClaimPeriod MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.80. Data Type: ProjectScale

The scale of the project.


less than 1000 tCO2e


1000 - 10000 tCO2e


10000 - 100000 tCO2e


100000 - 1000000 tCO2e

3.80.1. JSON Representation

Each ProjectScale MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.81. Data Type: ValidationStepStatus

The status of the validation step.


for Unknown status


for Not Started


for In Progress


for Completed

3.81.1. JSON Representation

Each ValidationStepStatus MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.82. Data Type: AddressType

The type of the address.


for Physical Address


for Legal Address


for Mailing Address

3.82.1. JSON Representation

Each AddressType MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.83. Data Type: AuditSchedule

The schedule of the audit.


for Annual Audits


for Biannual Audits


for Biennial Audits


for Triennial Audits


for Quadrennial Audits


for Quinquennial Audits

3.83.1. JSON Representation

Each AuditSchedule MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.84. Data Type: UN-SDGs

The UN SDGs are used in certain categories for entities as well as with Co-benefits that are usually attatched to assets like voluntary carbon credits.


for No Category


for No Poverty


for Zero Hunger


for Good Health and Well Being


for Quality Education


for Gender Equality


for Clean Water and Sanitation


for Affordable and Clean Energy


for Decent Work and Economic Growth


for Industry Innovation and Infrastructure


for Reduced Inequalities


for Sustainable Cities and Communities


for Responsible Consumption and Production


for Climate Action


for Life Below Water


for Life on Land


for Peace Justice and Strong Institutions


for Partnerships for the Goals

3.84.1. JSON Representation

Each UN-SDGs MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.85. Data Type: ProjectScope

Project scope helps classify projects.


for Other


for Agriculture


for Carbon Capture and Storage


for Chemical Processes


for Forestry and Land Use


for Household and Community


for Industrial Manufacturing


for Renewable Energy


for Transportation


for Waste Management

3.85.1. JSON Representation

Each ProjectScope MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.86. Data Type: ProjectType

Project Type helps to classify a project.


for Advanced Refrigerants


for Afforestation Reforestation


for Aluminum Smelters Emission Reductions


for Avoided Forest Conversion


for Avoided Grassland Conversion


for Bicycles


for Biodigesters


for Biomass


for Brick Manufacturing Emission Reductions


for Bundled Compost Production and Soil Application


for Bundled Energy Efficiency


for Carbon Capture and Enhanced Oil Recovery


for Carbon Capture in Cement


for Carbon Capture in Plastic


for Clean Water


for Community Boreholes


for Compost Addition to Rangeland Soil


for Composting


for Cookstoves


for Electric Vehicles and Charging


for Energy Efficiency


for Feed Additives


for Fleet Efficiency


for Fuel Switching

for Fuel Transport

for Geothermal


for Grid Expansion and Mini Grids


for HFC Refrigerant Reclamation


for HFC Replacement in Foam Production


for HFC23 Destruction


for Hydropower


for Improved Forest Management


for Improved Irrigation Management


for Landfill Methane


for Leak Detection and Repair in Gas Systems


for Lighting


for Manure Methane Digester


for Mass Transit


for Methane Recovery in Wastewater


for Mine Methane Capture


for Mineralization


for N20 Destruction in Adipic Acid Production


for N20 Destruction in Nitric Acid Production


for Natural Gas Electricy Generation


for Nitrogen Management


for Oil Recycling


for Ozone Depleting Substances Recovery and Destruction


for Pneumatic Retrofit


for Propylene Oxide Production


for Re-Bundled


for REDD+


for Refrigerant Leak Detection


for Rice Emission Reductions


for SF6 Replacement


for Shipping


for Solar Centralized


for Solar Distributed


for Solar Lighting


for Solar Water Heaters


for Solid Waste Separation


for Sustainable Agriculture


for Sustainable Grassland Management


for Truck Stop Electrification


for University Campus Emission Reductions


for Waste Diversion


for Waste Gas Recovery


for Waste Heat Recovery


for Waste Incineration


for Waste Recycling


for Weatherization


for Wetland Restoration


for Wind


for Biochar


for Carbonated Materials


for Carbon Capture in Geological Storage


for Enhanced Rock Weathering


for Terrestrial Storage of Biomass

3.86.1. JSON Representation

Each ProjectType is represented as a string in JSON.

3.87. Data Type: MeasurementSpecification

The MRV measurement specification used.


for ISO 14064


for ISO 14064-1


for ISO 14064-2

3.87.1. JSON Representation

Each MeasurementSpecification is represented as a string in JSON.

3.88. Data Type: CreditStatus

A status indicator used for credits.


for Active


for Inactive


for Revoked


for Retired

3.88.1. JSON Representation

Each CreditStatus is represented as a string in JSON.

3.89. Data Type: Standard

The list of Quality Standard, e.g., methodology or protocols.


for Gold Standard Verified Emissions Reduction


for Cerified Carbon Standard generates VCUs


for Voluntary Offset Standard


for Climate


for US renewable energy


for Compliance: Clean Development Mechanism generates CERs


for Compliance: Joint Implementation - Kyoto binding targets generation of ERUs


for Compliance: European Union Allowances


for Puro Standard verified durable carbon removal


for Other or in Development

3.89.1. JSON Representation

Each Standard is represented as a string in JSON.

3.90. Data Type: MethodologyAndTool

Each Quality Standard defined in the VerificationProcessAgreement(#dt-verification-process-agreement) is has a Methodology and might also have multiple toolkits for Additionality, Leakage, and Baseline, etc. This is not an exhaustive list of Methodologies and Tools as there can be hundreds of them.

CDM - AM0007

for CDM - AM0007

CDM - AM0010

for CDM - AM0010

3.90.1. JSON Representation

Each MethodologyAndTool is represented as a string in JSON.

3.91. Data Type: CorrespondingAdjustment

A credits corresponding adjustment status.


for there is no Corresponding adjustment associated with this credit. Meaning the country of origin for the credit will not subtract the credit from their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)if the credit is exported and consumed in a different country.


for there is verified Corresponding adjustment associated with this credit. Meaning the country of origin for the credit will not count the credit in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)so the credit can be exported and count in a different country’s NDC.


for there is corresponding adjustment associated with this credit; that is pending verification. Meaning the country of origin for the credit will not count the credit in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)so the credit can be exported and count in a different country’s NDC.

3.91.1. JSON Representation

Each CorrespondingAdjustment is represented as a string in JSON.

3.92. Data Type: Unit

Unit is the enumeration of accepted declared units with values


for unit liter


for unit kilogram

cubic meter

for cubic meter


for kilowatt


for megawatt


for megajoule

ton kilometer

for ton kilometer

square meter

for square meter


for tonne of CO2e


for tonne of CO2


for tonne of CH4


for tonne of N2O


for megawatt hour

3.92.1. JSON Representation

The value of each Unit MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.93. Data Type: WholeNumber

A whole number, may be signed, positive or negative.

Example values:

  • 10

  • 42

  • -182

3.93.1. JSON Representation

Each whole number MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.94. Data Type: Decimal

A dotted-decimal number.

Example values:

  • 10

  • 42.12

  • -182.84

3.94.1. JSON Representation

Each Decimal MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.95. Data Type: String

A regular UTF-8 String.

3.95.1. JSON Data Representation

Each String MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

3.96. Data Type: Id

A Id MUST either be a UUID v4 as specified in [rfc9562].

or a unique key that can be represented as a string.

3.96.1. JSON Representation

Each Id MUST be encoded as a JSON String, see § 3.95.1 JSON Data Representation for details.

Example JSON string value:


3.97. Data Type: ISO3166CC

An ISO 3166-2 alpha-2 country code.

Example value for tue alpha-2 country code of the United States:


3.97.1. JSON Representation

Each ISO3166CC MUST be encoded as a JSON String.

4. Data Samples


4.1. Example Full Credit Lineage

CRU Full Lineage:
  "id": "bef817d3-e178-402c-93bd-b20aab360e71",
  "quantity": "1.41",
  "unit": "TonneCo2E",
  "ownerId": "396a2870-851e-4c93-bd97-e330c0d2d3c1",
  "listingAgentId": "ac497050-23eb-4fac-b9e5-1ec9039b2d34",
  "coreCarbonPrinciples": {
    "assetId": "snei219123-998sdfl-sad21-1-1.41",
    "issuanceDate": {
      "dateTime": "",
      "dateString": "9/16/2024"
    "vintage": "2018",
    "generationType": "Generated",
    "verificationStandard": "Puro",
    "mitigationActivity": {
      "category": "Removal",
      "method": "Technological"
    "durability": {
      "storageType": "Biological",
      "years": 100,
      "degradable": {
        "percentage": 10,
        "factor": 5,
        "degradationType": "Linear"
      "reversalMitigation": {
        "reversalRisk": "Material",
        "insuranceType": "BufferPool",
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4.2. Example Accountable Impact Organization

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4.3. Example Activity Impact Module

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  "firstYearIssuance": "2017",
  "registryProjectId": "vef-1321-99da-1",
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      "aimId": "d5a9cf0c-4102-4c9d-941a-408001b12147",
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        "geoJsonOrKml": "",
        "geographicLocationFile": null
      "sourceType": "SensorDevice",
      "unitOfMeasure": "TonneCo2E",
      "sourceIdentifier": "key:efc0b0b0-0b0b-0b0b-0b0b-0b0b0b0b0b0b",
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      "requestDate": "2021-04-01",
      "validationDate": "9/16/2024",
      "validatingPartyId": "8226ece8-27b8-46f7-b21f-f531705c11cb",
      "validationMethod": "ISO 14064-3:2018",
      "validationExpirationDate": "9/16/2024",
      "validationSteps": [
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  "accountableImpactOrganization": null

4.4. Example Impact Claim

Impact Claim:
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      "description": "Climate Action for this project includes: carbon removal, reduction and carbon avoidance."
      "unSdg": "CleanWaterAndSanitation",
      "description": "Clean Water and Sanitation for this project includes: water quality improvement, water availability and water access."
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      "id": "189bc8ee-b19c-4116-be65-e8ec1d0b7764",
      "claimId": "a5cd2fbe-0b18-4cb7-99e8-624dc96acafa",
      "claimSourceIds": [
      "projectDeveloperId": "9c6e926f-9603-45de-9933-8af01ac45f31",
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            "dateString": "9/16/2024"
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            "aimId": "d5a9cf0c-4102-4c9d-941a-408001b12147",
            "claimId": "2d17d155-ca8b-4208-8cc0-6dc3a85e2c34",
            "projectDeveloperId": "9c6e926f-9603-45de-9933-8af01ac45f31",
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                    "key": "Δ𝐶𝑊𝑃𝑏𝑖𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠,𝑡",
                    "value": "Change in carbon stock in biomass carbon pools in the project scenario in year 𝑡 (t C y-1)"
                    "key": "Δ𝐶𝑊𝑃𝑤𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑦,𝑡",
                    "value": "Average annual change in carbon stock in woody biomass in the project scenario in the monitoring interval ending in year 𝑡 (t C y-1)"
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      "name": "Carbon Sequestration Through Accelerated Carbonation of Concrete Aggregate",
      "version": "1.0",
      "description": "Methodology for quantifying GHG emission reductions from carbon sequestration through accelerated carbonation of concrete aggregate",
      "documentation": "EXAMPLE:",
      "mrvExtensionContext": "ImpactClaim",
      "properties": [
          "key": "MGy,i,d",
          "value": "Mass of the concrete aggregate type i of a grain size distribution d in monitoring period y."
          "key": "i",
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          "key": "d",
          "value": "0.5-1.0 mm"
          "key": "y",
          "value": "1"
      "dataSchemaOrType": "",
      "data": null,
      "serializedData": null
  "activityImpactModule": null

4.5. Example Data Package

Data Package:
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    "created": {
      "date": {
        "dateTime": "09/16/2024 20:49:14",
        "dateString": "9/16/2024"
      "timeStamp": {
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        "name": "VM0007 REDD+ Methodology Framework Extension",
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            "key": "Δ𝐶𝑊𝑃𝑤𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑦,𝑡",
            "value": "Average annual change in carbon stock in woody biomass in the project scenario in the monitoring interval ending in year 𝑡 (t C y-1)"
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4.6. Example Processed Claim

Processed Claim:
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      "unSdg": "ReducedInequalities",
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  "impactClaim": null,
  "asset": null

4.7. Example Verification Process Agreement

Verification Process Agreement:
  "id": "e0d357b0-a75a-40fa-838b-5a5d444d2216",
  "name": "Verification Process Agreement for Concrete Plant 3341",
  "description": "Verification Process Agreement for Concrete Plant 3341, with issuer Puro and verifier SustainCERT",
  "signatories": [
      "id": "60425f71-6d55-4875-b661-6bc1b1a4be8a",
      "name": "",
      "description": " is the world's leading platform for engineered carbon removal. Our mission is to mobilize the economy to reward carbon net negative emissions.",
      "signatoryRole": "IssuingRegistry",
      "signature": {
        "type": "JWS",
        "jws": "epx324jkasdf883429f2lMMm8asxdz9ZW0",
        "hasJws": true,
        "vc": null,
        "signatureCase": "Jws"
      "id": "58827053-14ab-441d-8699-7108de68e687",
      "name": "SustainCERT",
      "description": "SustainCERT is an organization...",
      "signatoryRole": "ValidationAndVerificationBody",
      "signature": {
        "type": "JWS",
        "jws": "789908sa32980231ll132fsd89asdfa123",
        "hasJws": true,
        "vc": null,
        "signatureCase": "Jws"
      "id": "9431e6b8-9601-460b-b0e3-c3da409da3de",
      "name": "Eco-Earth Forest Growth",
      "description": "Eco-Earth Forest Growth is a forest management firm that...",
      "signatoryRole": "ProjectOwner",
      "signature": {
        "type": "JWS",
        "jws": "1234567890asdfasdfas",
        "hasJws": true,
        "vc": null,
        "signatureCase": "Jws"
  "qualityStandard": {
    "name": "Puro - Carbonated Building Materials",
    "description": "Manufactured concrete-like building elements from steel slag (waste material from steel industry) instead of traditional cement. Basically, it’s CO2 negative concrete that removes more CO2 than its production emits.",
    "standard": "Puro",
    "methodologyAndTools": [
    "version": "1.0",
    "coBenefits": [
        "unSdg": "ClimateAction",
        "description": "Climate Action, by removing carbon from the atmosphere."
        "unSdg": "LifeOnLand",
        "description": "Improving Life on Land, the use of the projects land to provide..."
    "standardLink": {
      "id": "be062a19-133c-4626-aa2d-bcca2c510ab2",
      "uri": "",
      "description": "Link to the Carbonated Building Materials",
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      "hashAlgorithm": "Sha256"
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      "id": "efc93244-030d-48b8-95a5-9204c45dd679",
      "uri": "",
      "description": "Link to the ISO 14064-3:2018 standard",
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          "extensions": [
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    "dateString": "9/16/2024"
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  "auditSchedule": "Quinquennial",
  "audits": {
    "auditDate": {
      "dateTime": "",
      "dateString": "9/16/2024"
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        "uri": "",
        "description": "Audit report for verification process agreement e0d357b0-a75a-40fa-838b-5a5d444d2216",
        "hashProof": "0xzxWW-1234567890abcdefasdf",
        "hashAlgorithm": "Sha256"
  "extensions": [],
  "activityImpactModule": null,
  "processedClaims": []

4.8. Example Carbon Reduction or Removal Unit

Carbon Reduction or Removal Unit:
  "id": "bef817d3-e178-402c-93bd-b20aab360e71",
  "quantity": "1.41",
  "unit": "TonneCo2E",
  "ownerId": "396a2870-851e-4c93-bd97-e330c0d2d3c1",
  "listingAgentId": "ac497050-23eb-4fac-b9e5-1ec9039b2d34",
  "coreCarbonPrinciples": {
    "assetId": "snei219123-998sdfl-sad21-1-1.41",
    "issuanceDate": {
      "dateTime": "",
      "dateString": "9/16/2024"
    "vintage": "2018",
    "generationType": "Generated",
    "verificationStandard": "Puro",
    "mitigationActivity": {
      "category": "Removal",
      "method": "Technological"
    "durability": {
      "storageType": "Biological",
      "years": 100,
      "degradable": {
        "percentage": 10,
        "factor": 5,
        "degradationType": "Linear"
      "reversalMitigation": {
        "reversalRisk": "Material",
        "insuranceType": "BufferPool",
        "insurancePolicyOwner": "AccountableImpactOrg",
        "insurancePolicyLink": {
          "id": "a08f99d1-99cc-4ff7-804d-d7fab7be0c90",
          "uri": "",
          "description": "Link to the Reversal Mitigation Insurance Policy",
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          "hashAlgorithm": "Sha256"
    "replacement": null,
    "parisAgreementCompliance": {
      "ca": "ParisAgreementCompliant",
      "letterOfApproval": {
        "id": "492be7eb-0d9a-499b-9a95-e8ed8d7e4c9f",
        "uri": "",
        "description": "Letter of Approval for Paris Agreement Compliance",
        "hashProof": "uuisdE12A0213az2133ASdfsdf",
        "hashAlgorithm": "Sha256"
      "itmoId": "CA12-EU01-SP-1234500-2023-NIO"
    "quantifiedSdgImpacts": [
        "unSdg": "AffordableAndCleanEnergy",
        "description": "This project provides affordable clean energy to the surrounding community."
    "adaptationCoBenefits": [
        "unSdg": "IndustryInnovationAndInfrastructure",
        "description": "The project is contributing to the expansion of renewable infrastructure."
  "climateLabels": [
      "id": "92252fdf-5c2d-4dc9-9a39-af6362a6b122",
      "name": "Climate Neutral",
      "description": "Climate Neutral - environmentally friendly, climate positive"
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      "referencedCreditId": "16e029bb-8258-4721-b3ab-3d4493425151",
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        "hashAlgorithm": "Sha256"
      "metadata": "serialized json data"
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  "processedClaimId": "2d17d155-ca8b-4208-8cc0-6dc3a85e2c34",
  "issuerId": "2ab239a3-63e6-42dc-a0aa-8ca26dd81cde",
  "processedClaim": null

4.9. Example Renewable Energy Credit

Renewable Energy Credit:
  "id": "16e029bb-8258-4721-b3ab-3d4493425151",
  "recType": "IRec",
  "validJurisdiction": "US",
  "quantity": "1.3121",
  "unit": "MwH",
  "ownerId": "396a2870-851e-4c93-bd97-e330c0d2d3c1",
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  "climateLabels": [
      "id": "91c7a40a-d64a-44d3-b3e8-cb0e7c21c45c",
      "name": "Climate Neutral",
      "description": "Climate Neutral - environmentally friendly, climate positive"
  "status": "Active",
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      "referencedCreditId": "17e029bb8258A4721B3ab4493425151",
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  "issuerId": "c2862fe4-c97d-4494-afd0-b6c8d7efccd9",
  "processedClaim": null

4.10. Example Renewable Energy Credit Full Lineage

Renewable Energy Credit Full Lineage:
  "id": "16e029bb-8258-4721-b3ab-3d4493425151",
  "recType": "IRec",
  "validJurisdiction": "US",
  "quantity": "1.3121",
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  "status": "Active",
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        "name": "Puro - Carbonated Building Materials",
        "description": "Manufactured concrete-like building elements from steel slag (waste material from steel industry) instead of traditional cement. Basically, it’s CO2 negative concrete that removes more CO2 than its production emits.",
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                        "description": "Sensor data values required for evidence data.",
                        "documentation": "EXAMPLE:",
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          "name": "Carbon Sequestration Through Accelerated Carbonation of Concrete Aggregate",
          "version": "1.0",
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        "validations": [
            "requestDate": "2021-04-01",
            "validationDate": "8/2/2024",
            "validatingPartyId": "8226ece8-27b8-46f7-b21f-f531705c11cb",
            "validationMethod": "ISO 14064-3:2018",
            "validationExpirationDate": "8/2/2024",
            "validationSteps": [
                "validationStepName": "Project Plan",
                "validationStepDescription": "Detailed project plan for the management of forest carbon sequestration",
                "validationStepStatus": "Completed",
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                  "uri": "",
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                  "hashAlgorithm": "Sha256"
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        "accountableImpactOrganization": {
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          "name": "Eco-Earth Forest Growth",
          "description": "The Eco-Earth Forest Growth organization is a reforestation project that aims to restore degraded land in the Amazon rainforest.",
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              "hashAlgorithm": "Sha256"
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          "activityImpactModules": [],
          "mrvExtensions": []
    "asset": null

Appendix A: License

Attribution 4.0 International


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Section 3 -- License Conditions.

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Section 5 -- Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability.



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Appendix B: Changelog

Here we will document changes in the specification as they are made.

Version 2.5.0-20241001 (October 1st, 2024)

  • Added the correlatingProjectId property to the ActivityImpactModule type to support the optional correlation of multiple modules to a single project.

Version 2.5.0-20240916 (September 16th, 2024)

  • Renamed MrvExtension to MrvEntityExtension to better reflect the entity nature of the type.

  • Added the mrvEntityExtensions array to the MrvExtensionSet type to support multiple extensions that can apply to the entire set, i.e. child modules.

Version 2.5.0-20240801 (August 2nd, 2024)

  • Changed the SpanDataPackage to DataPackage to simplify the meaning of the type.

  • Simplified MrvExtensionContext to remove the MRV_EXTENSION from the names and unified naming of entities in the enumeration.

Version 2.5.0-20240716 (July 16th, 2024)

  • Added the Closed optional property to the MrvExtensionMessage type to indicate that the message is closed for use in messaging implementations.

Version 2.5.0-20240614 (June 14th, 2024)

Version 2.5.0-20240605 (June 5th, 2024)

  • Added the MrvExtensionSet type to support sets of extensions as a collection mapped to a quality standard.

  • Added the MrvExtensionSetModule type to support modules of extensions as a collection mapped to a quality standard.

Version 2.5.0-20240428 (May 24th, 2024)


Terms defined by this specification


Normative References

ICVCM. ICVCM - The Core Carbon Principles. July 2023. Informational. URL:
T. Berners-Lee; R. Fielding; L. Masinter. Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax. January 2005. Internet Standard. URL:
K. Davis; B. Peabody; P. Leach. Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs). May 2024. Proposed Standard. URL:
Tom Preston-Werner. Semantic Versioning. 1 January 2013. Informational. URL:

Issues Index

REC Types need to be completed