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Token Taxonomy Framework Artifact File Format

Taxonomy artifacts and artifacts generated using the framework are in a common file format. This format has metadata from or following the taxonomy and a basic structure for the creators of the artifact to follow.

This file format enables tooling to navigate these artifacts and for creators to generate artifacts that are common and easily understood by others using the framework.

Artifact Structure

Artifacts should for a token definition, behavior or behavior group should be placed within a folder under the artifact type folder. Within this folder there can be many files that are used to define the artifact, not all of them are required.

Artifacts are versioned as well, using a version folder and a version number defined in the ArtifactSymbol. The most recent version, regardless of its number is stored in a folder called latest within the artifact folder name. Previous versions will be in version number folders, where each artifact file for that version is maintained.

An artifact is referenced by its ArtifactSymbol, which includes its version, but its Id (GUID/UUID) is its unique identifier and used as its index in the TOM. A reference that does not specify a version will default to latest.

Primary JSON Artifact File Format

An artifact can be generated using the artifactGenerator tool to create the artifact structure preparing for the artifact details to be populated.

If an artifact’s definition is captured using a Word or other template, the artifact data can be imported manually via cut and paste and submitted to the Taxonomy Service to update the artifact in the taxonomy. Other tools to allow for the artifact to be populated through a web interface or automated import can be developed in the future.

Proto File Format

Proto files are optional, but recommended for behaviors as they are useful in understanding how interaction with a behavior should work. When used in addition with a supporting sequence diagram it can provide a deep definition of the artifact.

syntax = "proto3";

package taxonomy.model.core;

import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "artifact.proto";
import "grammar.proto";

option csharp_namespace = "IWA.TTF.Taxonomy.Model.Core";
option java_package = "org.iwa.ttf.taxonomy.model.core";
option java_multiple_files = true;

Artifacts are templates and samples to seed the initial set of artifacts.